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Brief: Produce a campaign that creates awareness of a retrospective screening for three films by a director of your choice. Your campaign must cover print and at least one digital platform.  We understood that Monotype is a typography company, but we decided to take their brief as the inspiration to create a campaign that was lead by copy instead of design. 


The director we chose was Guy Ritchie, and the films were: Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch and Rock'n Rolla. These three films are centre around East-End 'gangster' culture, and so we set about creating newspaper headlines that used humour and cockney rhyming slang that are so intrinsic to Guy Ritchie's films. We wanted to celebrate the film using the copy as well as language and so the digital element we created was a mobile app that translated standard English into Cockney rhyming slang creating an interactive experience that the audience could take away with them after seeing the film.

The tickets will be printed on mock old style £50 notes, a staple of the Guy Ritchie gangster films the currency of which their dirty deals are made with.

Please feel free to download the PDF where the files are easier to read.


The poster is made up of 3 fake newspaper covers from the fictional ‘The Linen Draper’ paper (cockney rhyming slang for newspaper) depicting the aftermath of the events of the 3 films. The stories report the aftermath of events that occur in the film in the style of a tabloid newspaper for example 'Assaults on traffic wardens triple in a week' is based around Rob Brydons character getting beaten up in the back of the getaway van. 



The full paper covers work as posters for fitting on bus shelters and street level billboards so the stories can be read properly by our audience.

Digital Element: Cockney Rhyming Translator

As the films are all set in London and feature a heavy use of cockney slang we propose a cockney translator to also promote the event.

The translator will be available online and through an app. The app will work my translating either by text to text but also by speech allowing the user to speak into their phone and get a cockney rhyming slang translation in writing.

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